Monday, September 17, 2012

lost among weeds

my shoulders heave
but no tears fall
i clutch memories past
around my abdomen
like one does a bathrobe
thinking it will protect my wounds
as i walk among the weeds
i'm looking for my joy
it seems to have dropped out here
in the looming shadow
of past troubles
sitting like an abandoned home
with the gaping maws of windows
covered with ivy and patches of paint
it is a wonder
how you can find your inner child
quickest through pangs of pain
and again
look for that solace and joy
shining, polished and familiar
lost among weeds
in the lawns of what others call, life


Anonymous said...

"it is a wonder
how you can find your inner child
quickest through pangs of pain"
I wonder about those things we forget about ourselves, as children; those things that are capable of shielding us, and at the same time, Joy-inducing, somehow. I also wonder about how our memories, even those "lost memories" serve us. Do they protect us, even if they're lost? Very thought-provoking and beautiful.

Preach said...

i wonder about that myself...i think that over the past couple of years in my life, with transition and ascending being a theme, it's those memories lost and remembered that are tools to creating our new selves to go forward...thank you very much. :)