good people, i am honored and humbled to tell you that i have been
chosen to receive the Liebster Award from Coco Rivers!!!
her blog, Stream of Consciousness, is a veritable melting pot
of great writing from political musings to erotica. you are guaranteed
to not only learn something, but to FEEL something from her words.
check out exactly what I mean here:
now for the other four nominees i'd like to bestow this award upon:
1)Life As An Art Form
i've had the good fortune to connect with this sister like i have
done with Ms. Rivers via Twitter. her blog is a touchstone of joy,
speaking to the celebration of the simple and complex things within
ourselves. in her own words:
"I am a woman, wife, mother, writer, activist, educator, business woman, and part-time fitness instructor. I have many interests, few hobbies, and a passion for Life that is probably unparalleled. I believe that we are here to learn lessons in this thing called Life, and that if we are patient and humble enough, we might also learn some important lessons about ourselves in the process."
2)I Bleed Words Until I Am Read All Over
this is one sister who is FIERCE with her art, be it the canvas or
the pen. i've credited her artwork with being the inspiration behind
a couple of works i've posted here. they always say the wise souls are
both beautiful and modest..Alfie fills all three of those qualities.
3)Strictly Beats
i'm a lover of hip-hop, and over the years i've gotten more and more
enamored with the beats behind some of my favorite MC's to the point
where i've come to find out about great producers and beatmakers in
this field. and this site has been my go-to for such knowledge.
4)Black Snob
i've only started to read this blog since this past November but i
haven't regretted it for one minute!! sassy, pointed and informative,
Danielle Belton is one to know and IN the know.
Liebster is a German word that means beloved or favorite. This is an award from fellow bloggers given to blogs that have less than 200 followers.
These are requirements that you need to fulfill should you accept this award:
* Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.
* Link back to the blogger who awarded you.
* Give your top 5 picks for the award
* Inform your top 5 by leaving a comment on their blog.
* Post the award on your blog.
That's wonderful! Congrats!
Hey C,
I didn't know you'd gotten around to this. Thanks so much for the wonderful description. I will check out your recommendees as well.
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