in the midst of this utter jackassery that prevailed
in DC these past weeks, a tragedy is unfolding in the
Horn of Africa. Somalia is now undergoing a serious
famine, as declared by the United Nations. reports
have surfaced that insurgents in the country are both
preventing Western aid from entering the country and
preventing refugees from fleeing across the border
towards camps in Kenya. relief efforts have been
paltry because of the media focus on the debt crisis
here, the tragedy in Norway and Murdochgate.
Somalia strikes a chord with me, always has. my mother
has worked with people from there when she was with
the United Nations. and a special part of my heart
hails from there. overall, the country is in decay
but still holding on. and it's up to us to help in
any way we can. i've put together a list below.
International Medical Corps
U.N.Children's Fund
Action Aid
Kenya Red Cross
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