i didn't
want to join the parade
of 21st century part time goths
we call performance poets
seizing on events
to bring life to deadened syllables
the tide called out to me
the tide
called me out to see
limbs and lost lives
piled high by cold Pacific surf asking
'has this satisfied your yen
for what a tragedy is really worth?'
while we watch indecisive pretty boys
sit on tabled mountains
and seasonal millionaires
complain about their 'slavery'
the tide called to me
telling me
mother nature
is tired of needles
skin stripped for minerals
the tide is telling me
hold your loved ones closely
'cause when the undertow comes
it will be too late
the tide is telling me
it can happen here
the tide
the tide
the tide
is telling me
watch between the waves
wowwwww... love this!!!!
"mother nature
is tired of needles
skin stripped for minerals"
thank you!!!! :D
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