Friday, December 31, 2010

wishing you a peaceful and progressive new year!!

for you, on the eve of this new year...

i wish that all of your joys outweigh your worries.

i wish that whatever road you're searching for
appears beneath your feet.

i wish that anger and negativity falls from
your back like water.

thank you once again for sharing in my work
and coming to visit my blog!! and i promise
you bigger and better things for 2011!! have
fun and be safe out there!!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

when steam rises(to sagal)

the rwandan statue
of a mother and child
still stands tall on my dresser
faint traces of perfume
still reside on the envelopes
that bear your delectable script
and i cant help but
think about that tenderness
i used to kiss below your ear
at the curve of your neck
every time i put this tim horton's mug
to my lips
i'm left with memories
still warm as the space
between my arms
that you no longer fill
and each time that steam rises
your kiss
stretches across my skin
maybe once again
it will stretch across time
regret and distance
when happiness was yours and mine.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

quote of the day 12.29.10

'The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.'

- Mohandas K. Gandhi

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

haiku 11.18.07(to sagal)

swans envy you your
gentle grace; perhaps your walk
makes the breeze jealous.

untitled 7.31.07

i don't want anymore
love poems
unless they're the ones
etched on my heartstrings
by your eyes
chamomile and caramel
look at me
that way again
and compose more
to frame all of my sunsets.

serenity on the road forward.

hey folks, i haven't been updating for quite a few days
now. part of the reason is that i was still coping with
the loss of my grandmother. the other part is, i've been
in a period of quiet, heavy reflection. it's always said
that the holiday season evokes(or should evoke)a lot of
emotions. for me, it's no different. but the overwhelming
emotion or feeling is, serenity. serenity to let go of
past hurts and present fears and future worries. this state
of mind is exactly what i need going into this new year.
because while i've accomplished another goal in publishing
my second book, i want to ensure that i keep setting and
reaching bigger and better goals with my craft and my own
personal growth. in the long run, your legacy is more than
words on a screen or page. it's who you are, who you choose
to show to the world day in and day out.

i'm grateful to you for stopping by and checking out my
writing and i promise there WILL be more to come in 2011.
stay tuned and please spread the word!!!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

tree of faith (for dorina alexander)

took up roots in the land
of sunshine and smiles
her voice that of a songbird
a heart that stood as wide as the horizon
she was
willing to let her spirit tell the story
within the whisper of leaves
willing to bare her soul so
you can see the rings
her life left behind
i recall all of those times
her hugs enveloped me
how they gave me shade and shelter
like windswept branches
and she bore beautiful fruit
that stretched across years
even after her going home
see she was
more than my grandmother
she was
that tree of love and faith
and the seed of her strength
lies in my heart

Friday, December 17, 2010

haiku 7.12.07

love poems are to
be lived daily even if
you have nobody.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

quote of the day 12.16.10

"The tree remains, but not the hand that planted it."
- irish saying

for my grandmother, Dorina in peace.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

A train, 11:18 P.M.

he was
a homeless pharisee
looking for that buck fifty
that would lend him a temporary paradise
a distraction from the lice
that clung to loose and wiry locks
and looked to feast on his scalp
barefoot on a subway car
his eyes viewing some sort of peace afar
he held his hand out
as others held their breath
and clenched their noses for the stench
the flesh of his feet had worn away from his toes
making them look like fossils reborn
a homeless pharisee
who couldn't have seen
life turn out this way
if only one could lend him
instead of loose change.

books for sale...i got books for sale!!!

folks, i've still got copies of both the 2nd run of
'lovestoned' and 'wife of the heart' up for grabs!!!
if you want a quick stocking stuffer for the holidays,
grab one now!!! all books are now $7 until Dec.25th!!!
contact me at!!!

Friday, December 10, 2010

some silent moon

some silent moon
waits for some souls
gone too soon
breathing stardust
that settles their ordinary pain
it's easy to believe
in outer space
if your earth is built
of torment
some silent moon
holds all of the poor souls
free from hurt
it's that star that grows extremely bright
for a minute at a time
furthest from your mind.


Thursday, December 9, 2010

tanka #13

all night i wished
her hands cupped something else
beside her cognac
passion is virile drink
the sweat it brings makes you think.


haiku 9.4.09(for aviva)

whenever i look
at your skin, lemons become
nothing but sugar.

quote of the day 12.9.10

“Love is or it ain't. Thin love ain't love at all.” -- Toni Morrison

haiku 1.1.10

i let my fingers
drink the tears from your cheek; my
heart was that thirsty.

busboys and poets showcase, washington dc, 12.3.10

(photos courtesy of 4sightfilms)

last friday i had the pleasure of being at one of
DC's most prominent spots for poetry, jazz and food,
Busboys and Poets over on 14th and V Streets. the
showcase was hosted by the very vibrant NeoPosie
(forgive me if i got the spelling wrong!!) it was
the first time i've been part of an open mic in a
long time and it reminded me of why i loved hitting
up as many as i could in the past. it was a great
experience, one that i hope to repeat in the near

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

haiku 3.28.10

castles of sugar
always melt with the rain;shame
since you meant so well.

untitled 4.3.08(to sagal)

who am i
to dream of you clothed
in regal purple
and my arms?
who am i
to cry for you
when tears do not run from your own eyes?
who am i
to ache for your voice
as flower petals do for soothing rain?
i am a man
who is drunk with the beauty that is your name
besotted both at the soul and lips.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

haiku 4.21.07

blue morning chill is
what wakes me as the city
sleeps off its own high.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

haiku 11.18.07(for sagal)

the sea of longing
lies between our voices;make
your bridge towards me.

World AIDS Day...reflect.

i'm taking a departure from the usual flow of this
blog to honor all of those who've lost their lives
to AIDS and who suffer from it now. i do have an
issue with one campaign out there and that is the
campaign of 'digital death' on Twitter. Usher, Lady
Gaga and others are doing this to raise funds for
charities to fight AIDS and promote awareness. i'm
glad they're in the fight don't get me wrong, but
wouldn't it be more prudent, more realistic to
promote the charities, introduce new ideas like
holistic healing? anything except something that
seems so...backwards? maybe it's me. but take this
time to reflect on just how much AIDS has made an
impact on this world...and how we can stop it. each
one teach one.